I’ve been reflecting on a ritual I have with my best buddy dog, Gibson.
Each morning when we're together I make my green drink then go sit on the floor in front of the sliding glass door in the “Fireplace Room.” I say, “Gibby, would you like to join me?” and he comes in, does his downward dog stretch before settling in.
While we’re together we watch the birds, squirrels and any other beings that are around the yard. At times I crouch down to see the world from his physical level because sometimes it’s easier to see what he’s so intently spying out.
When the sun is shining we bask and take in its warmth together and talk to the sun expressing gratitude for being our friend, keeping us warm, helping all the plants and trees to grow which provide beauty and nourishment for all of us! Often we say a prayer or send out beautiful energy to those in need. And sometimes we just sit quietly, allowing ourselves to take it all in.
I love having this special bonding moment with Gibson connecting with nature! It brings joy and serenity to my heart simply contemplating and reliving these moments. Aaahhhh! What a gift!
What ritual or special bonding do you engage in with your furry loved ones?
If you want to know more about what rituals or special bonding your furry loved ones enjoy, let's ask them! Schedule a Fur Baby Speaks experience to get started.