Almost 40% of all calls to the Animal Poison Control Center were due to fur babies ingesting some sort of medication. could be from over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs that their little noses found and they chewed or scratched their way into the packet, bag or bottle.
...or perhaps they were given their person’s medication rather than the pet’s meds accidentally because it was stored next to the pet meds.
There are so many ways our furry loved ones could end up in harm’s way regarding ‘people’ medication. This is why I decided to address medications separately from other types of items that can harm our pets.
In this part of my ‘Keeping Pets Safe’ Series, I cover:
Various categories of medications (and examples of each) that are poisonous
What symptoms to look for
Helpful tips for keeping furry loved ones safe from medication poisoning
Why not to administer seemingly harmless people medications to fur babies
And, to have this information at your fingertips...
you can download the Medicine Safety for Pets Guide as a PDF below.