This Thanksgiving I’ve been reflecting on something a little different. Sure the food will be good and the sound of excitement (some call it noise or chaos) that’s inherent with a house full of friends, family and furry loved ones will be front and center. But this year it occurred to me there’s an integral part of Thanksgiving (every day really) that I’ve never considered as important before now.
What is it?
It is here that we gather to nourish ourselves physically and spiritually as we connect with one another. It’s also a place where we create - imagining new possibilities or seeing life from different, unthought of perspectives!
Think about it…we bring things to the table to discuss and work out! Years ago when I was a Montessori classroom assistant, the Peace Table was the place to resolve conflict and misunderstandings. I got to witness more than once how the process of sitting around the table allowed each person the opportunity to understand, be understood and for the miracle of forgiveness to occur leading to deeper friendships.
In the movie Dead Poet Society, John Keeting (played by Robin Williams), had his students step up on the desk (table) to take a look at the world from a different perspective. He teaches them that an open mind, eager to understand different perspectives, is vital. I’m feeling a bit like one of his students right now as I see that “mundane” table sitting over there with much more appreciation!
With that appreciation I’m brought back to the Thanksgiving table, all gathered around and of course the furry loved ones anxiously awaiting the accidental (or sometimes intentional) food drop. From the fur baby perspective, the table is the pawfect place to hang out on this day!
I’m also contemplating another, less obvious table…the one that may be the most important table of all!
It is the table within the heart! In this sacred space we connect with our own spirit, our own soul. While sitting at this table we connect with our furry companions using the invisible string, we pray or we ask for guidance and we give ourselves permission to imagine and create the life we desire to live!
The table within our heart is the one where we get to invite others’ spirits (past, present or future) to sit with us and commune. We get to share what’s in our heart and listen for answers or insights they have for us (be it a mentor, family member, friend or fur baby). And let’s remember to take our place at the heart table when loneliness or feeling “out here all alone” shows up. At this table we are never alone!
So this Thanksgiving as you gather in a group of one or many, I invite you to ponder your tables…and what they bring to your life!